how to get all the tables and structure in a database in a table format using an sql query or stored procedure?
Structure is like below:
Sl No FieldName DataType Size Description
1 UserName varchar 50
how to get all the tables and structure in a database in a table format using an sql query or stored procedure?
Structure is like below:
Sl No FieldName DataType Size Description
1 UserName varchar 50
This should do the trick. There is a bit more information in here but I think you may find it useful.
Select t.Table_Schema,
IsNull(c.Column_Default, '') as 'Column_Default',
IsNull(c.Character_Maximum_Length, IsNull(Numeric_Precision,'') + IsNull(Numeric_Scale, IsNull(DateTime_Precision,''))) as 'Size'
From Information_Schema.Tables t
Join Information_Schema.Columns c on t.Table_Catalog = c.Table_Catalog
And t.Table_Schema = c.Table_Schema
And t.Table_Name = c.Table_Name
Where t.Table_Type = 'BASE TABLE'
Order by t.Table_Schema, t.Table_Name, c.Ordinal_Position