



From the homepage of django-mptt

Version 0.2.1 is not compatible with Django 1.0 and above - please use SVN trunk for now

I tend to avoid using trunk for work that is going live any time soon, But I have a rush job.

Does it work with Django 1.2, (beyond "hello world" equivalents) Does anyone have any current experience / odd bugs to share etc.


I'm using the trunk version since Django 1.2 is out and haven't run into any problems with that! Can't promise you that it will work for you; for known issues have a look at their tracker:

+1  A: 

DJango-mptt on Google Code seems to have been abandoned, but there are a couple of forks on Github.

This one uses subclasses instead of registering the models, which makes in easier to use:

However I'd recommend this fork, actively developed by one of the FeinCMS developers, which I've used with Django 1.2:

The updates page seems to indicate it is still active to some extent, last upload 11 days ago, but yeah, wiki pages from 2008!
following on, edit timeout.the other ones seem even less active no commits since 2010-04-12 for matthiask, 2010-03-22 for brfish,Also, i just found which looks like a viable alternative to django-mptt, Grr! .. I'm going to go with the original mptt from trunk for now, but I have a sneaking suspicion along the route I may be able to simplify the project to some extent, removing the need for any of the above!
Are we talking about the same package - django-mptt on Google Code? Last updated Jul 1 2009? version definitely has fewer bugs, and is compatible with the original svn trunk, so I'd still advise using that instead.
ah.. so it's been a while since i've looked at google code, i had mistakenly looked at the update dates on the issues, not the updates to the code, doh! thanks for pointing that out!
As far as I can tell this doesn't play well with 1.2.1 multidb support.