Is there an equivalent of @Startup annotation in Seam which I could use in components.xml?
Per you can use startup=true|false
<xs:attribute name="startup" default="false" type="components:boolean">
Indicates that an instance of the component should be created when the
the component's controlling scope starts. This is only used for application and
session scope.
2010-06-29 16:37:54
Duh. My tireness spoke when I was writing the question. The question was meant to ask about the @Create annotation. How about that?
Markos Fragkakis
2010-06-29 16:44:44
The closest I think to that is to define a factory and call your initialization from the factory method e.g. <factory name="contact" method="#{contactManager.loadContact}" scope="CONVERSATION"/>
2010-06-29 17:02:14
Cheers, that will work for me. (+1)
Markos Fragkakis
2010-06-30 07:42:21