How important is it to gracefully degrade or inversely Progressively Enhance the UI experiance? I mean am I going to lose a LOT of business if I don't? Do you practice this concept? Are there any web 1.0 users still left out there?
Please could you also include if you practice this personally and how much time you've spent relative to the entire project. I realize every project is different, I want to get a sense of how much time as a general rule I should be allocating toward this goal.
Firstly, i'm looking for guidance around how much time I should be devoting to making my applications run without javascript.
Secondly, the BS term "web 1.0" ( I don't really like it either) works because we all understand that as the iteration before ajax and all its goodness.
Thirdly, the kind of applications I'm describing are the ones we are all building, not Facebook, not Twitter (unless you're from Facebook or Twitter) but service or utitlity programs like a web calendar, or an online todo list or [INSERT YOUR APP HERE].