i'm attempting to draw lines beside each other, but the last line from the first color group takes on the color from the second color group before the second color is assigned. can anyone explain this?
function drawCorner()
var corner:Sprite = new Sprite();
corner.graphics.beginFill(0x0, 1.0);
corner.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 20, 20);
corner.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0x00FF00, 1.0);
corner.graphics.moveTo(1, 13);
corner.graphics.lineTo(13, 1);
corner.graphics.moveTo(6, 13);
corner.graphics.lineTo(13, 6);
corner.graphics.moveTo(11, 13);
corner.graphics.lineTo(13, 11);
corner.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0xFF00FF, 1.0);
corner.graphics.moveTo(0, 13);
corner.graphics.lineTo(13, 0);
corner.graphics.moveTo(5, 13);
corner.graphics.lineTo(13, 5);
corner.graphics.moveTo(10, 13);
corner.graphics.lineTo(13, 10);