



I'm using Django/Python, but pseudo-code is definitely acceptable here.

Working with some models that already exist, I have Employees that each have a Supervisor, which is essentially a Foreign Key type relationship to another Employee.

Where the Employee/Supervisor hierarchy is something like this:

Any given Employee has ONE Supervisor. That Supervisor may have one or more Employees "beneath", and has his/her own Supervisor as well. Retrieving my "upline" should return my supervisor, his supervisor, her supervisor, etc., until reaching an employee that has no supervisor.

Without going hog-wild and installing new apps to manage these relationships, as this is an existing codebase and project, I'm wondering the "pythonic" or correct way to implement the following functions:

def get_upline(employee): 
    # Get a flat list of Employee objects that are
    # 'supervisors' to eachother, starting with 
    # the given Employee. 

def get_downline(employee):
    # Starting with the given Employee, find and 
    # return a flat list of all other Employees 
    # that are "below". 

I feel like there may be a somewhat simple way to do this with the Django ORM, but if not, I'll take any suggestions.

I haven't thoroughly checked out Django-MPTT, but if I can leave the models in tact, and simply gain more functionality, it would be worth it.


Relational databases are not good for this kind of graph queries, so your only option is to do a bunch of query. Here is a recursive implementation:

def get_upline(employee):
    if self.supervisor:
        return [employee] + self.supervisor.get_upline()
        return [employee]

def get_download(employee):
    l = [employee]
    for minion in self.minion_set.all():
    return l
Vebjorn Ljosa
Would I need to add a check for an empty `supervisor` in `get_upline()` here? I'm imagining an Exception or something happening when the root is reached. Am I wrong?
anonymous coward
Anon, you're right. Fixed.
Vebjorn Ljosa
+1  A: 

You don't have to touch your models to be able to use django-mptt; you just have to create a parent field on your model, django-mptt creates all the other attributes for mptt automaitcally, when you register your model: mptt.register(MyModel).

Though if you just need the 'upline' hierarchy you wouldn't need nested sets. The bigger performance problem is going the opposite direction and collect eg. children/leaves etc, which makes it necessary to work on a nested set model!

Realistically, the "upline"/parents list is much more vital than children. What is the simple approach to that? Would it still be faster to read docs/implement djang-mptt?
anonymous coward
Actually you need four new fields for mptt: `parent`, `level`, `left` and `right`.
Daniel Roseman