I want to duplicate some of my Vi key mappings in the ViPlugin for Eclipse. Specifically, I use "jj" for the Esc key, which is done like this in my rc file:
map! jj <Esc>
The ViPlugin User Manual explains how to set up some rc file type of configurations. The example given is:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wordseparators>.,(,), ,TAB,ENTER,:,;,?,+,=,ANGLE_BRACKET_RIGHT,ANGLE_BRACKET_LEFT,*,{,},",|,COMMA,-,\,/,@,[,],},~,!,#,$,%,^,',`,´,AND</wordseparators>
The User Manual also mentions about a handful of Eclipse Actions that the ViPlugin implements, which can be assigned Keybinding (for example, EraseBackOneWord and AddOneLevelOfIndentation), but that doesn't seem to be helpful here.