Well, for unit tests your aim should be test the smallest isolated piece of code,usually, method one by one.
So testCreate() is a test case and testRead is anther. However, there is nothing that stops you from creating a testCreateAndRead() to test the two functions together. But then if the test fails, which code unit does the test fail at? You dont know. Those kind of tests are more like integration test, which should be treated differently.
If you really want to do it, you can create a static class variable to store the object created by testCreate(), then use it in testRead().
As I have no idea what version of Junit you talking about, I just pick up the ancient one Junit 3.8:
Utterly Urgly but works:
public class Test extends TestCase{
static String stuff;
public void testCreate(){
stuff = "abc";
public void testRead(){
assertEquals(stuff, "abc");