




So my company is building an extensive piece of medical software, where there's a lot of moving parts and things selected on one screen may need to be displayed on as many as 5 others.

The issue here is that when the Development Teams work with the Product Designer, they get a clear understanding of how to code the software properly, but this information is never really written down and documented so that it can be passed to the other people in the company who may not be on the planning teams or part of the Sprint.

After all, documenting something is generally looked at as "too waterfall, too restrictive", but obviously there are others that will need this information - especially testers that won't have access to know all of the ins and outs of the program.

My question is, have any of you found a good solution to this? How can we meet in the middle?


The "middle ground" is a struggle with agile development. When you refer to testers, who are you referring to? Shouldn't the "testers" be in the room when the daily sprint meeting happens?

It sounds to me like your company might be trying to run a waterfall project via agile methods.

One useful tool I've found is the use of a Wiki to define a common ground for developers to record decisions, and others can provide feedback on the page, and yes, if you wanted, the testers could probably use this in the future.
