



Hi guys.

Some days ago, I saw this very interesting post:

and now, I'm sure that a custom right click can be used in Flash, throught JS.

The problem is.. that the guy who coded that, he used a "custom" swfobject (or older, dont know) and a "custom" index.template.html.

The problem is, I cant find a way to "merge" that code with the one that Flash Builder generates... seems like Flash Builder is saying: "is my way or the highway" :p

I think that all this problemas I'm having are cuz I dont have the enough JS or HTML knowloadge, I know it.

Any has some experience about this?, would be very appreciated.

Edit.: Basically, I need to "translate" that code to the a version that works ok on the Flash Builder generated html. Thx!

(I think, I have some div, or id, or something like that messed up... if you need it, I'll post the code I have)