I have a string such as the following:
Are you looking for a quality real estate company?
<s>Josh's real estate firm specializes in helping people find homes from
<s>Josh's real estate company is a boutique real estate firm serving clients
In [city][state] I am sure you know how difficult it is
to find a great home, but we work closely with you to give you exactly
what you need
I would like to have this paragraph split into an array based on the <s> </s>
tags, so I have the following array as the result:
[0] Are you looking for a quality real estate company?
[1] Josh's real estate firm
specializes in helping people find homes from [city][State].
[2] Josh's real estate company is a boutique real estate firm serving clients
[3] In [city][state] I am sure you know how difficult it is
to find a great home, but we work closely with you to give you exactly
what you need
This is a regex i'm currently using:
$matches = array();
preg_match_all(":<s>(.*?)</s>:is", $string, $matches);
$result = $matches[1];
But this one only returns an array containing the text found between <s> </s>
tags, it ignores the text found before and after these tags. (In the example above it would only return the array elements 1 and 2.
Any ideas?