SELECT DISTINCT rt . d_rev_id , rt . d_rev_code , rt . d_reason , rt . d_rev_status , rt . d_apb , rt . d_cb , pt . d_partid , pt . d_part_no , pt . d_ab , pt . d_abd , pt . d_status , rt . d_part_name , rt . d_part_desc , rt . d_part_type , pnv . d_pn_val , pnv . d_pn_id , cfv . d_optionname , rt . d_projectid , rt . d_abd , rt . d_apbd
design_parts pt
INNER JOIN design_part_number_val pnv
USING ( d_partid )
INNER JOIN design_revision_temp rt
USING ( d_partid )
LEFT JOIN design_pn_custom_field_options cfv
ON d_optionvalue = d_pn_val
WHERE rt . d_projectid = 1
GROUP BY d_rev_id
SELECT DISTINCT dr . d_rev_id , dr . d_rev_code , dr . d_reason , dr . d_part_name , dr . d_apb , dr . d_cb , pt . d_partid , pt . d_part_no , pt . d_ab , pt . d_abd , pt . d_status , dr . d_part_name , dr . d_part_desc , dr . d_part_type , pnv . d_pn_val , pnv . d_pn_id , cfv . d_optionname , dr . d_projectid , dr . d_apbd , dr . d_cbd
design_parts pt
INNER JOIN design_part_number_val pnv
USING ( d_partid )
INNER JOIN design_revision dr
USING ( d_partid )
LEFT JOIN design_pn_custom_field_options cfv
ON d_optionvalue = d_pn_val
WHERE dr . d_projectid = 1
GROUP BY d_partid
ORDER BY `rt.d_abd` ASC
What is wrong in this query as I ordering the field that are selected. I am getting an Error "*#1054 - Unknown column 'rt.d_abd' in 'order clause' "*. Please help me