



(This is a coldfusion question)

I've got two different Structs that may or may not contain the same data, and I want to be able to see if they do! My Structs will always contain simple values (Numbers, Strings or Booleans) because they are being created with DeserializeJSON, so hopefully this can be done easily.

I found Ben Nadel's post here, but that technique doesn't seem to working for me. Here is what I've tried so far (some cfwheels code in there):

itemA = DeSerializeJSON(model("itemsnapshot").findByKey(4).json);
itemB = DeSerializeJSON(model("itemsnapshot").findByKey(5).json);



out = itemA.Equals(itemB);

And the results of that look like:

code string C112
companyid number 1
cost number 5000
deletedAt string 
description string Nightstand
id number 70634
itemtypeid string 13
projectid number 8
unittypeid string

code string C112
companyid number 1
cost number 5000
deletedAt string 
description string Nightstand
idnumber 70634
itemtypeid string 13
projectid number 8
unittypeid string 

boolean false

so, as you'll see above, although the data inside the Structs appear to match exactly they do not pass the Equals() test.

Has anyone else done this successfully?

+4  A: 

Here's Ben's solution quickly adjusted to my needs, you can adjust it further (and hopefully make it pretier):

<cffunction name="DiffStructs" hint="Compute the differences between two structures" access="public" output="true" returntype="array" >
        <cfargument name="First" type="struct" required="true" />
        <cfargument name="Second" type="struct" required="true" />
        <cfargument name="ignoreMissing" type="boolean" required="false" default="false" />
        <cfargument name="ignoreFirstEmptyString" type="boolean" required="false" default="false" />
        <cfargument name="ignoreSecondEmptyString" type="boolean" required="false" default="false" />

        <cfset var Result = arrayNew(1) >
        <cfset var Keys = structNew() >
        <cfset var KeyName = "" >
        <cfset var obj = "" >
        <cfset var firstOk = true >
        <cfset var secondOk = true >

        <cfloop collection="#Arguments.First#" item="KeyName">
                <cfset Keys[KeyName]=1>
        <cfloop collection="#Arguments.Second#" item="KeyName">
                <cfset Keys[KeyName]=1>
        <cfloop collection="#Keys#" item="KeyName">
            <cfif NOT StructKeyExists(Arguments.First, KeyName)  >
                    <cfif NOT arguments.ignoreMissing>
                        <cfif structFind(Arguments.Second, KeyName) neq "">
                            <cfif arguments.ignoreSecondEmptyString>
                                <cfset obj = {  key = KeyName
                                                ,old = ""
                                                ,new = structFind(Arguments.Second, KeyName) } >
                                <cfset arrayAppend(Result, obj )>

            <cfelseif NOT StructKeyExists(Arguments.Second, KeyName)>
                    <cfif NOT arguments.ignoreMissing>
                        <cfif structFind(Arguments.First, KeyName) neq "">
                            <cfif arguments.ignoreFirstEmptyString >
                                <cfset obj = {  key = KeyName
                                                ,old = structFind(Arguments.First, KeyName) 
                                                ,new = "" } >
                                <cfset arrayAppend(Result, obj )>

            <cfelseif Arguments.First[KeyName] NEQ Arguments.Second[KeyName] >

                <cfset firstOk = true >
                <cfset secondOk = true >

                <cfif structFind(Arguments.Second, KeyName) eq "">
                    <cfif arguments.ignoreSecondEmptyString>
                        <cfset firstOk = false >

                <cfif structFind(Arguments.First, KeyName) eq "">
                    <cfif arguments.ignoreFirstEmptyString>
                        <cfset secondOk = false >

                <cfif firstOk AND secondOk >
                    <cfset obj = {  key = KeyName
                                    ,old = structFind(Arguments.First, KeyName) 
                                    ,new = structFind(Arguments.Second, KeyName) } >
                    <cfset arrayAppend(Result, obj )>


        <cfreturn Result>
thanks for the quick reply - this is very close to what i need!
+4  A: 

If you're using CF9 or Railo 3

ArrayContains([struct1], struct2);  //case-sensitive


ArrayFindNoCase([struct1], struct2));  //case-insensitive, 0 if not the same.
ArrayContainsNoCase([struct1], struct2); // if you use Railo
great info. although i was trying to do a simple true or false compare in my question, the diff array generated by zarko's function has inspired a change in my interface which will offer much more useful functionality. I could use one of these to do an initial check before running the full diff, though.
+1  A: 

Hidden away in Coldfusion Structures is a handy little method called hashCode(). Although keep in mind that this is undocumented.

<cfif struct1.hashCode() Eq struct2.hashCode()>

Mister Dai
interesting! do you know if this works in Railo too?
Nope, just tried it out on Railo and the hashCode value is always different.Although...st1.toString() Eq st2.toString() works on Railo ;)
Mister Dai