



He guys,

I am trying to get the ckeditor working. Ubviously it doesn't make use of the textarea so on submit the form doesn't submit the text in the editor. Beceause i make use of polymorphic associations etc. I can't make a onsubmit function to get the value of the textarea (when the form is submitted) .

So I found this question:

with some very good answers. The answers posted there keep the textarea up to date. That is very nice and just what i need! Unfortunately I can't get it to work. does somebody know why (for example) this doesn't work?:

I have a textarea (rails but it just translates to a normal textarea):
<%= f.text_area :body, :id => 'ckeditor', :rows => 3 %>

And the following js:
if(CKEDITOR.instances.ckeditor ) {
CKEDITOR.replace( 'ckeditor',
skin : 'kama',
toolbar :[
['Styles', 'Format', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic', '-', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'Link']

CKEDITOR.instances["ckeditor"].on("instanceReady", function()
//set keyup event
this.document.on("keyup", CK_jQ);

//and paste event
this.document.on("paste", CK_jQ);

function CK_jQ()

I get the following "error" in my firebug.
missing ) after argument list [Break on this error] function CK_jQ()\n