I have library code that overrides Ar's find method. I also include the module for all Association classes so both MyModel.find and @parent.my_models.find work and apply the correct scope.
I based my code off of will_paginate's:
a = ActiveRecord::Associations
returning([ a::AssociationCollection ]) { |classes|
# detect http://dev.rubyonrails.org/changeset/9230
unless a::HasManyThroughAssociation.superclass == a::HasManyAssociation
classes << a::HasManyThroughAssociation
}.each do |klass|
klass.send :include, Finder::ClassMethods
klass.class_eval { alias_method_chain :method_missing, :paginate }
My problem is, I only want to override the finders for some models. Currently I need to extend all association collection classes which are shared by all models. I know I can extend associations per model by passing a module:
has_many :things, :extend => SomeCustomMethods
But my library is basically am ActiveRecord plugin, so I'd like a clean convention for plugable finder extensions that apply to both the model and scoped collections without affecting all models in the application.