Trying to plot a spectrum, ie, velocity versus intensity, with lower x axis = velocity, on the upper twin axis = frequency
The relationship between them (doppler formula) is
f = (1-v/c)*f_0
where f is the resulting frequency, v the velocity, c the speed of light, and f_0 the frequency at v=0, ie. the v_lsr.
I have tried to solve it by looking at , where it is solved by
pm_to_kms = 1./206265.*2300*3.085e18/3.15e7/1.e5
aux_trans = matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D().scale(pm_to_kms, 1.)
ax_pm = ax_kms.twin(aux_trans)
but my problem is that it is not a simple scaling law, but a linear function.
Anyone know how to solve this?