



Hi I was wondering if anyone had any examples of how to use expect with -c.


my_machine~/opt/ams/data/ep/success$ expect -c "spawn /usr/bin/scp xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml [email protected]:/opt/ams/epf_3_4/xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1277900174_2.xml; expect { '*password:*' { send 'ad'\r\n }}"

Does not seem to work as I am still asked for the password.

spawn /usr/bin/scp xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml [email protected]:/opt/ams/epf_3_4/xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1277900174_2.xml
[email protected]'s password: 

If I run it as ascript it runs ok.

my_machine~/opt/ams/data/ep/success$ ./
spawn /usr/bin/scp xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml [email protected]:/opt/ams/epf_3_4/xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1277900174_2.xml
[email protected]'s password:
xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml                                                                      100%   13MB  13.2MB/s   00:01
my_machine~/opt/ams/data/ep/success$ cat
expect -c "
        spawn /usr/bin/scp xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml [email protected]:/opt/ams/epf_3_4/xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1277900174_2.xml
        expect {
          "*password:*" { send "ad"\r\n; interact }
          eof { exit }


I would like to run this in a one line command rather than a script. Has anyone got any ideas?

Thanks in advance


I answered my own question below

+1  A: 

You are missing a ; on the first one line example at the end of the last command. And there is a better way to pattern match the password.

try the following:

expect -c "spawn /usr/bin/scp xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml [email protected]:/opt/ams/epf_3_4/xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1277900174_2.xml; expect -re \".*password.*\"; send 'ad\r\n';"
fuzzy lollipop
no errors but the file was not copied over
that could be something failing silently, like the wrong password or something
fuzzy lollipop
thought of that. when you run the command it prints out the spawn that it uses. I copied the spawn into the shell and gave the password as above and it worked manually. If the pattern is being correctly matched it does not seem to be sending the password
+1  A: 

Got it: The following code scps a file called from my box to another box without entering a password:

expect -c "spawn /usr/bin/scp [email protected]:/opt/ams/epf_3_4/; sleep 5; expect -re \"password\"; send \"ad\r\n\"; set timeout -1; expect -re \"100%\";"

I know this can be done by setting passwordless ssh access between the two boxes but I wanted to do it in one command line using expect. Thanks fuzzy lollipop for the inspiration. Note if you run expect -d -c "spawn ... you get excellent debug on what is happening including whether your regex is good enough
