




I'm looking to write a short program (maybe a Hello World) in Java bytecode. I just want to write the bytecode using my text editor and run it. How would I do this? Got an example? Thanks!

+2  A: 

Have you considered JBE? It's based on Apache's Bytecode Engineering Library (BEL)

typo: it's BCEL. Otherwise great editor
+1  A: 

Maybe this article can get you started: Bytecode basics (a little old, but you will get the idea).

The class file format will come in handy too :D

+1 for the edit
Lord Torgamus
+10  A: 

You could try Jasmin!

.class public HelloWorld
.super java/lang/Object

.method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
  .limit stack 3
  .limit locals 1

  getstatic      java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream;
  ldc            "Hello World."
  invokevirtual  java/io/PrintStream/println(Ljava/lang/String;)V


.end method

You compile it using:

> java -jar jasmin.jar hello.j

And then you run it like any class:

> java HelloWorld
Hello World.


I see that your question mentions "without using Javac or Java". Could you clarify how you meant that statement?

Adam Paynter
This post makes me want to fake the work I'm doing today and tinker around with Jasmin. :-)
+1 Jasmin is what came to my mind and I couldn't remember the name. It was featured in a book that explains JVM internals. I Forget the name of the book too, *sigh*...
@Bakkal: According to the link: "Jasmin was originally created as a companion to the book "Java Virtual Machine", written by Jon Meyer and Troy Downing and published by O'Reilly Associates."
Adam Paynter
by "without using Javac or Java," I just meant that I want to write the code using bytecode. Thanks for the info!
Corey Stevens
wow~ This is super cool. is this JVM independent as well? can this run on a blackberry jvm?
@Viele: Yes, this should be JVM independent (so long as the JVM you're interested in conforms to the JVM specification).
Adam Paynter
@Corey, how is this different from using a plan `.java` file and `javac` ?
Wow!! I've been working for a while on bytecode. Why haven't I heard of this?
+1  A: 

Byte code is written as actual bytes, which are not normally easily editable by a normal text editor.

This means you will need something that converts a textual representation to binary. A reasonable place to start would be an assembler like Jasmin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasmin_(Java_assembler)

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen