



Hello, I've searched on the internet but I didn't understand very much the problem:

I'm trying to build a distinct query using criteria and a distinct clause using a projection, trying to resole the lazy attribute of the projection in the distinct.

So the query will be like this


createCriteria(Parent.class) .setProject(Projections.distinct("relation"))) .createCriteria("relation")

Unfortunately, the relation fields aren't fetched, this query return just a list of id's and I have to generate O(n) queries for fetching the results.

The equivalent in HQL would be


select distinct r from Parent as p join p.relation as r

Is it possible to do it using criteria?

I've seen that someone suggest to use the trasnformer, but I would like to use the distinct in the database.

Thank you very much.

Possible duplicate for NHibernate?