



Hi there,

I've searched SO for help but could'nt find a answer to my question.

Situation: I need to convert a "/NN" subnet mask notation (think IPTABLES) to a cisco notation.

NN are the number of "1" in the submask, from the lowest octet to the higher. Each octet are 8 bit integers.

Possible solution:

Make a array of 32 "0" and filling the last NN digits with "1", then group in 4 octets and converting to int... a /23 mask should be like

My question is how to do it in .NET... i never used binary manipulation and conversion.

Can you guys help me with this solution?

UPDATE - Stephen has answer correctly!

Here is the code ported to .NET

        if (p.LastIndexOf("/") < 0 ) return p;
        int mask= Convert.ToInt32("0"+p.Substring(p.LastIndexOf("/")+1,2));

        int zeroBits = 32 - mask; // the number of zero bits
        uint result = uint.MaxValue; // all ones

        // Shift "cidr" and subtract one to create "cidr" one bits;
        //  then move them left the number of zero bits.
        result &= (uint)((((ulong)0x1 << mascara) - 1) << zeroBits);
        result = ~result;
        // Note that the result is in host order, so we'd have to convert
        //  like this before passing to an IPAddress constructor
        result = (uint)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((int)result);
        string convertedMask = new IPAddress(result).ToString();
+2  A: 

I've been meaning to throw together some general-purpose address masking routines...

Here's a quick-and-dirty way to convert from CIDR notation to a subnet mask:

var cidr = 23; // e.g., "/23"
var zeroBits = 32 - cidr; // the number of zero bits
var result = uint.MaxValue; // all ones

// Shift "cidr" and subtract one to create "cidr" one bits;
//  then move them left the number of zero bits.
result &= (uint)((((ulong)0x1 << cidr) - 1) << zeroBits);

// Note that the result is in host order, so we'd have to convert
//  like this before passing to an IPAddress constructor
result = (uint)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((int)result);
Stephen Cleary
Thanks for answering :DI'll try that and post the feedback, but before that i have a question. The result will be the "255.255" way or the "" like the cisco?Regards!
This converts to a standard "" sort of subnet mask. If you need a "wildcard" mask, then you can take the bitwise not (`~`) of the result before calling `HostToNetworkOrder`, and that will give you a result like "".
Stephen Cleary
Thanks man, will update the code with the answer! It works!

Same? as Stephens in VB .Net

Function CIDRtoMask(ByVal CIDR As Integer) As String

    If CIDR < 2 OrElse CIDR > 30 Then
    End If


    'simulated ip address
    Dim ipAsNum As UInt32 = 3232300291 '
    Debug.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(ipAsNum, 2).PadLeft(32, "0"c) & " IP as num") 'show binary

    'create mask
    Dim mask As UInt32 = UInt32.MaxValue << (32 - CIDR)
    Debug.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(mask, 2).PadLeft(32, "0"c) & " mask") 'show binary

    Dim CT As UInt32 = UInt32.MaxValue Xor mask 'the zero based count of hosts in network
    Dim NN As UInt32 = ipAsNum And mask 'network number
    Dim NB As UInt32 = NN Or CT 'network broadcast
    Debug.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(CT, 2).PadLeft(32, "0"c) & " CT") 'show binary
    Debug.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(NN, 2).PadLeft(32, "0"c) & " NN") 'show binary
    Debug.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(NB, 2).PadLeft(32, "0"c) & " NB") 'show binary

    'get bytes
    Dim tb() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(mask)

    'convert to string
    Dim stringMask As String = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}",
                                  tb(0), tb(1), tb(2), tb(3))

    Return stringMask
End Function