





I would like to take a passed List that I know is homogeneous and from it create an array of the same type as the elements within it.

Something like...

List<Object> lst = new ArrayList<Object>;

lst.add(new Integer(3));

/// somewhere else ...

assert(my_array instanceof Integer[]);
java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(Class<?> componentType, int length)

If you need to dynamically create an array based on a type known only at runtime (say you're doing reflection or generics) you'll probably want Array.newInstance

Steven Schlansker
+4  A: 

The conversion would happen runtime, while the type is lost at compile time. So you should do something like:

public <T> T[] toArray(List<T> list) {
    Class clazz = list.get(0).getClass(); // check for size and null before
    T[] array = (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(clazz, list.size());
    return list.toArray(array);

But beware that the 3rd line above may throw an exception - it's not typesafe.

+1: It's fine as long as the type of the first element of the list is the same as or a superclass of the type of all the other list elements. That's a very sneaky assumption, but may well work given the constraints in the question.
Donal Fellows
indeed. the OP said "that I know is homogeneous", but that's something that shouldn't be "extralinguistic".
Fine for a `List<String>`. Completely useless for a `List<Shape>`
@finw - why...?
@finnw: That's why I made my comment about it being a sneaky assumption. The real problem is that the generic type is erased after compilation – there's just no way to get it at runtime – so you have to guess what the type of the array needs to be. Bozho's code does about the best you can do with sane amounts of effort; going through the list and working out the common supertype of all the elements would be safer, but it's stupidly awkward and *in the case of the **exact** type in the question*, unnecessary.
Donal Fellows
@Bozho, for example in a `List<Shape>` the first element could be a `Rectangle` while the second was an `Ellipse2D.Double` (which will not fit in a `Rectangle[]`.)
@finw - true. But the precondition is that the collection is homogenous. I wouldn't do it like that, of course. I warned about an exception there.
This will work for my purposes, the array elements are also simple types Interger, Float, String etc.. None are generics.Thanks @Bozho!!!
+1  A: 

This method is type safe, and handles some nulls (at least one element must be non-null).

public static Object[] toArray(Collection<?> c)
  Iterator<?> i = c.iterator();
  for (int idx = 0; i.hasNext(); ++idx) {
    Object o = i.next();
    if (o != null) {
      /* Create an array of the type of the first non-null element. */
      Class<?> type = o.getClass();
      Object[] arr = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(type, c.size());
      arr[idx++] = o;
      while (i.hasNext()) {
        /* Make sure collection is really homogenous with cast() */
        arr[idx++] = type.cast(i.next());
      return arr;
  /* Collection is empty or holds only nulls. */
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unspecified type.");

What about using Iterables.toArray(lst, Object.class) from the guava lib ?

Sylvain M