Can I have two different clients listening to the same WCF callback and have them both receive the same data without having to do the processing twice?
Not really - at least not directly. What you're describing sounds a lot like the publish/subscribe pattern. A WCF service basically services one client and one client only, at any given time.
There are ways to do this in WCF 3.5 and better ones in WCF 4.0 - with or without Windows Azure's .NET Services. There are also other tools and support for the publish/subscribe pattern.
Check out things like:
- WCF Implementation of the Publish/Subscribe model
- Building a Pub/Sub Message Bus with WCF and MSMQ
- NServiceBus
If you Google or Bing for "WCF Publish Subscribe", you'll get a lot more hits - but those three should really get you started, I think.
In addition to the links @marc_s posted, you can also check out Juval Lowy's Publish/Subscribe Framework, which is shown graphically below.
This framework is described in detail in this MSDN article. And you can download the framework's source code for free at Lowy's website,
Using the Pub/Sub Service allows the Publisher to publish the event once to a well-known endpoint. The Pub/Sub Service then takes care of publishing the notification to the subscribed clients.