



+1  Q: 

Starting with JSF

I installed Eclipse,Apache tomcat 6.0, and jdk on my PC. Now i want to start my first JSF Hello world Application Tutorial using eclipse and tomcat. Using This tutorial i want to make a starting application in JSF.

Any Type of helping material for starting JSF in Eclipse will be help full for me Any text tutorail and video tutorial.

+2  A: 

I wrote one some years ago: JSF tutorial with Eclipse and Tomcat. Note that Eclipse has been upgraded to Helios (3.6), so some screens may look a bit off, but the general lines still applies. Also note that this tutorial concerns JSF 1.2 while JSF 2.0 has already been out for over half a year. I'm planning a new tutorial sooner or later.

Further, Marty Hall has written a set of nice JSF 2.0 tutorials: Coreservlets.com JSF 2.0 tutorials, also targeted on Eclipse and Tomcat.

You can of course also go through the JSF chapters of the boring Sun Oracle Java EE 6 tutorial Part II chapter 4-9. It's only targeted on Netbeans as IDE and Glassfish as appserver.

Sir i study your link JSF tutorial with Eclipse and Tomcat and follow all the steps it was very supportive for me as for startup.Now the problem is that my out is correct from program.But there is problem in jsp .<h:commandButton value="submit" action="#{myBean.action}" />Its show me an error on this line.when i take a monuse on it it show me like thatMethod must have signature "String method()" but has signature "void method()"Any suggestion about this can stand up me to work with JSF.......
thanks thanks thanks thanks thanksthanks alot sharing such a good tutorial on net.And inform me .Again thanks SIR Balus C......................
ali, just change the method in your class "myBean" from `public void action()` to `public String action()`
Thanks its ok now thanks alot Mr Pakore
@ali: just click the up arrow "This answer is useful" to express your thanks :) If nobody else has answered the question you can also click the checkmark to mark it accepted (you should do the same for all of your [previous questions](http://stackoverflow.com/users/346077/ali), you have an accept rate of `0%`). Upvote the answers you found useful/helpful and accept the answer which *actually* helped the most in solving the problem/answering the question.
@ali: as per the error about the method: that's not an error. That should have been a warning. Eclipse is a bit mad with regard to JSP/JSF/EL validation. You can just ignore and run it.
@BalusC when i click on arrow then prints{ Vote Up requires 15 reputation(click on this box to dismiss)}
Oh, I forgot that. Thanks :) I voted your question so that you now have 16 rep.
now its work and think i vote it Please confirm from your side
MR BalusC If you can help me more suggesting some more tutorial about JSFlike connectivity to database using hibernate. And Any other stuff like training type for JSF Please Tell Me Mr BalusC .... it is very helpful for me.Me is waiting for your reply.......
@BalusC, when you update your tutorial then please double check that the "#{bean.method(arguments)}" syntax works. That is the most tricky part with Tomcat.
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
@Thor: I'll keep that in mind. Thanks :)