



hello, I'm making a simple vote class, where a user can vote up or vote down an answer. I don't want this function to return anything,as the vote for every user is created when he votes. The problem is that my redirection, or empty return gives me an error like: The page isn't redirecting properly from browser.

My code:

def vote_answer_down(request,id):
   answer = Answer.objects.get(pk = id)
   VoteDownAnswer.objects.create(answer = answer, voted_down_by = request.user) 

   return HttpResponseRedirect('.') #or return (without httpresponse),gives the same

where am i wrong? Thanks!

+1  A:

The constructor takes a single argument -- the path to redirect to. This can be a fully qualified URL (e.g. '') or an absolute URL with no domain (e.g. '/search/'). Note that this returns an HTTP status code 302.

What makes you think '.' will work?

Usually use the reverse function to provide the absolute URL required.

it doesn' work neither if i put there.. may it be because i'm creating the vote object there? i just want it to remain in the current page
dana wouldn't work either, but try putting in ""or even just "/" for your homepage
@dana: "may it be because i'm creating the vote object there?" No. The `return` object is the `return` object. If it won't redirect, you're clearly doing something completely wrong in Django or mod_wsgi or Apache. Since you haven't provided much detail on your technology stack, we're left to guess.
yes, it actually works if i put '/' or a relative path to one of my functions. i'll just put the relative path to my homepage, then!Thanks so much for answers!
@dana: A relative path is the wrong thing to do. I tried to be very clear. You **must** use the `reverse` function to generate the URL within your application.
:) ok, then, i'll use the reverse function:)