As far as I can tell, the only reason we have namespacing in PHP is to fix the problem of classes (+ functions & constants) clashing with others classes of the same name.
The problem is that most frameworks setup their autoload and filesystem hierarchy to reflect the names of the classes. And no-one actually require()s or include()s files anymore.
So how does namespacing help this any? Either the class is loaded based off of it's name:
new Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract;
or off it's namespace
new Zend\Db\Table\Rowset\Abstract;
Either way I am stuck with only being able to create one class with this name.
UPDATE I'm not sure I'm getting the point across.
Even if I created two files with the same class Zend\Db\Table\Rowset\Abstract
in them I still couldn't use them together since they both claim the same namespace. I would have to change their namespace names which is what we already do!
This leaves me to belive that the only use for namespaces is function names. Now we can finally have three functions all named the same thing!
Or wait, I forgot you can't do that either since each requires the namespace prefix!
Taking ircmaxell's example:
$model = new \Application\Model\User;
$controller = new \Application\Controller\User;
How is that any different than without?
$model = new Application_Model_User;
$controller = new Application_Controller_User;
This is also a neat sounding feature - but what does it truly do for us?
use \Application\Model\User as UserModel;
use \Application\Controller\User as UserController;
$foo = new UserModel;
$bar = new UserController;
Now you cannot have a class named 'UserModel' since you have a namespace setting for that term. You also still cannot have two classes named under the same alias.
I guess the good thing is that you can rename the long Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract
use Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract as RowAbstract;
leading to developer confusion about where the non-existent class "RowAbstract" is defined and coming from in the system.