I've got this simple login screen where is has a text box for the name, and a submit button. The jquery script running is this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#btnLogin').click( function() { validate() });
$('#loginForm').submit( function() { validate() });
function validate() {
if ($('#txtLogin').val() != '') {
document.cookie = 'loginID=' + $('#txtLogin').val();
document.location.href = 'mainmenu.aspx';
else {
It works when I click the button, but when I press enter, it doesn't navigate to the mainmenu.aspx. I'm following it with Chrome and it does execute the redirect just like when you press the button, but it just stays on the same page. I also put a break point in the Page_Load function (C#) of the mainmenu.aspx, but it never reaches it.
EDIT:: Here's the html
<form id="loginForm" runat="server">
<div class='theme login'>
<input type='text' id='txtLogin' maxlength='17' />
<div><input type='button' id='btnLogin' class='button' value='Log In' /></div>
<div><span id='lblError' visible='false' text='*You must enter a valid username'></span></div>