I guess it's an academic question, but the second result does not make sense to me. Shouldn't it be as thoroughly empty as the first? What is the rationale for this behavior?
from itertools import product
one_empty = [ [1,2], [] ]
all_empty = []
print [ t for t in product(*one_empty) ] # []
print [ t for t in product(*all_empty) ] # [()]
Thanks for all of the answers -- very informative.
Wikipedia's discussion of the Nullary Cartesian Product provides a definitive statement:
The Cartesian product of no sets ... is the singleton set containing the empty tuple.
And here is some code you can use to work through the insightful answer from sth:
from itertools import product
def tproduct(*xss):
return ( sum(rs, ()) for rs in product(*xss) )
def tup(x):
return (x,)
xs = [ [1, 2], [3, 4, 5] ]
ys = [ ['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 'e'] ]
txs = [ map(tup, x) for x in xs ] # [[(1,), (2,)], [(3,), (4,), (5,)]]
tys = [ map(tup, y) for y in ys ] # [[('a',), ('b',)], [('c',), ('d',), ('e',)]]
a = [ p for p in tproduct( *(txs + tys) ) ]
b = [ p for p in tproduct( tproduct(*txs), tproduct(*tys) ) ]
assert a == b