Reversi is an elegantly simple game. I'm going to use a psuedo C#/Java langauge to explain some concepts, but you can transpose them to Python.
To break it down into its most simple compnents, you have two basic things:
A 2 dimensional array that represents the game board:
And some form of enumaration that stores the state of each tile in the gameboard:
enum tile
To render the board, you loop through the gameBoard array, increasing by an offset of the piece size:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
// The Piece to draw would be at gameBoard[i,j];
// Pixel locations are calculated by multiplying the array location by an offset.
DrawPiece(gameBoard[i,j],i * Width of Tile, j * width of tile);
Likewise, resolving a mouse click back to a location in the array would be similar, use the mouse location and offset to calculate the actual tile you are on.
Each time a tile is placed, you scan the entire array, and apply a simple rules based engine on what the new colors should be. (This is the real challenge, and I'll leave it up to you.)
The AI can take advantage of doing this array scan with hypothetical moves, have it scan 10 or so possible moves, then choose the one that produces the best outcome. Try to not make it to smart, as its easy to make an unbeatable AI when you let it play out the entire game in its head.
When there are no longer any free locations in the array, You end the game.