



I have a seperator li which has a background image, in an expanded tree menu, it may appear several times using the css:

.simpleTree .line {
    background:url("/images/Css/gridLine.gif") no-repeat 0 0;

Even tho it is cached (from previous instances), there is still a slight delay in IE7 (~500 - 1sec) before all the background images fires up. Is there a better way to do this or make it quicker?



There are some things that you can try. You can try to reduce the size of your image and than in the CSS use the TAG "repeat-x" or "repeat-y".

In some cases, .gif's are not the best type to display images, you can try saving your image in diferent formats and see if they get smaller.

Best Regards

Pedro Oliveira
for a line image with 2 pixel colors... in GIF.. it is as small as it can get. I've done away with repeat even to reduce rendering time.

As far as I can tell the delay shouldn't be because of a single gif image. Check your site with YSlow or PageSpeed. Maybe some other content is blocking your image to appear fast (like javascript execution).

I'll have a go with YSlow and see how it goes. As far as I can tell at the moment, the page is fully loaded already.
I've removed some pngs (sprite images) from the page, and that seems to have solve the problem. Maybe the png rendering was taking too long.