Well,What happens when a hacker replaces your javascript with one of their liking, or just plain submit POSTs and GETs as if it were your code?
Validating at the client is a usability issue.
Validating at the point of USAGE is a security issue.
For instance, you validate data against SQL injection before storing in a SQL database -- the library will do that for you if you choose a good one. You validate data against CSS when you display it as HTML. But if you expose the data it as XML, RSS or JSON, then the validation is different -- if you validated it just at input, you wouldn't prevent exploits for the other formats, AND your input routine would be tied to the output formats you choose.
Client validation can be circumvented easily. You should always validate sensitive data on server, regardless of client validation. Validating them on client too is just a matter of improved user experience.