



Ok so I have an update panel that updates conditionaly, and inside of it, I have 5 times the same control.

The problem is this control also has an update panel, that keeps refreshing every 1 second, getting data from a table inside a repeater.

Since I'm not that experienced with web developing, the only other solution I thought of was to try to make the page's update panel stop repositioning the screen on every refresh.

So resuming: I have an update panel on a page, and iside of it, I basically have 5 others update panels that update every 1 second, which is giving me trouble while scrolling down the page, since it keeps repositioning itself.

Thoughts about putting more than one update panel, maybe some ideas on chaning the control, or something like that?

Please point me to the right direction here.

Oh and I don't know if it counts for anything but, the controls are in collapsable panels extenders, so it just enables the scroll bar when I have all of them opened.

Thanks a lot!