



Hi guys,

info: dedicated server with iis 6, win 2003, several websites with no problems.

i have an old website (i will call it "A" with his db "Adb") and now a new website for a part of the old one (call it "B" with a db name "Bdb").

in order to work with both DBs i used Union ALL like this:

strSQL = "SELECT catid,name,1 as r FROM cats where cats.father<0 UNION ALL " _ 
& "select 'b'&catid,name,2 as r from [connection to Bdb].cats as bcats order by name"

at the begining i got this error

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x1f14 Thread 0x193c DBC 0xaa59024 Jet'. 

so i googled it and found out that i need to give "write" permisson to the folder of the db.

did that and got the error again for the "remote" db. gave it write permission and now everything is working.

my question is: for security reasons... why suddnly i need to give write permission? (i don't have it in other websites on the server) if it is becuase of the Union All and that it is virtually makeing a new table inside the db - is there a way to do something with it where the permission is not to a folder?

i am using this in most of my connections

    rs.CursorType = 3
rs.LockType = 3