Hi. This question concerns running python files in terminal that are not stored in the home directory. I think I have solved the first bit of this puzzle by modifying my path so that it includes the directory where my python programs are stored.
So where as initially
echo $PATH
would yield the following: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin
it now yields:
However despite the fact that the correct folder is now in my path, none of the python files within this folder run. For example there is a file in there called recap.py, when I open terminal and type in:
python recap.py
I get:
python: can't open file 'recap.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
If I simply type in recap.py
(i.e. omitting the 'python' bit), I get:
-bash: /Users/paulpatterson/Documents/Python/recap.py: Permission denied
Can anyone enlighten me? Ideally I want to set it up so as soon as terminal opens all I need to do is type the file name and not even type python.
I've spent hours trying to sort this out, any help is appreciated.