



Good day,

I'm looking to start learning a scripting language for web audio and sound development. It needs to be able to handle simultaneous audio events, eg; to trigger a sound when another is playing (I'm not sure if and how this is possible, but have witnessed this kind of presentation: (can this kind of thing be done with JavaScipt?, this looks like AS / Flash)).

From what I can tell the choice appears to be between JavaScript (JS) and ActionScript (JS), with details as follows: -

If going the JS route (look into JS and HTML(5) audio capability) Learn about the basics of HTML and CSS, and then start to look into JavaScript, Ajax, and JQurey (library / framework for JavaScript).

If going the AS route Will not need to know as much about HTML and CSS. AS is the language behind Flash. Not supported on the i-phone(?)

It has been suggested that JS would be the best 'programming' way to go. I know Java to around an intermmediate level.

. .

I'm aware of Soundmanager2 - which appears to be a mixture of JS and AS(?).

I'm also aware of Processingjs - which looks like could be fun for general development and audio, but looks like will not be supported in IE until the browsers next revision.


I'd stick with HTML 5, it's going to become the standard eventually and there is a chance that it will supersede ActionScript.

Tom Gullen
Well, I need to be able to run the apps on all platforms. It's funny, as (flash site, runs fine in Safari (PC) :)) I guess it comes down to whether multiple files can be triggered with the JS + HTML technique. I saw a post on this site the other day talking about that exact point but can't seem to fins it now. . .

If you really want to do something that rich, you're probably better off going with Flash/AS. Your explanation of the two options is correct. JS is nice in that it doesn't require Flash, but to get the level of control it sounds like you want is tough. Although Flash is not supported by the iPhone, iPad, etc, any solution dealing with this level of interactivity is likely to experience some lapses in browser support.

Michael Mior
That's a bummer because the apple browsing device market is only gonna get bigger. .
How tough would it be to get just multi-layered audio triggering. I'm sure if it's even possible though

HTML5 audio is still evolving but it's getting close. Check out this HTML5 test site to see how your browser works with audio and other tags. For Chromium daily on Ubuntu I get a score of 20 for the audio tag, with lacking PCM audio support.

Since you seem to be looking for a few more options outside of simple playback I would recommend checking out ActionScript/Flash and using that, but keeping in mind the upcoming HTML5 audio tag for when it becomes more adopted.

Hmm, I'm not sure in restricting myself like that would be the best option. Losing the whole Mac community would be foolish, right?
You wouldn't lose the Mac community, you'd lose the iPhone/iPad community ;) Personally I would go and use HTML5 audio if you feel your userbase will be more tailored towards the early adopter. Perhaps build a fallback solution for IE6/7/8 users if you think that's a lesser market for you.It all depends on what your market is.
Aha, I found that previous thread on multi shot audio: - it looks like you can do this with JS and HTML(5). So I'm gonna head down that route I think, as that will give me maximum browser compatibility. Thanks to all the responces!
Will HTML5 audio really give you "maximum browser compatibility"?