Is there a traditional way to map over a function that uses IO? Specifically, I'd like to map over a function that returns a random value of some kind. Using a normal map will result in an output of type ([IO b]), but to unpack the values in the list from IO, I need a something of type (IO [b]). So I wrote...
mapIO :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> [b] -> IO [b]
mapIO f [] acc = do return acc
mapIO f (x:xs) acc = do
new <- f x
mapIO f xs (new:acc)
... which works fine. But it seems like there ought to be a solution for this built into Haskell. For instance, an example use case:
getPercent :: Int -> IO Bool
getPercent x = do
y <- getStdRandom (randomR (1,100))
return $ y < x
mapIO (\f -> getPercent 50) [0..10] []