



Basically, I'm wondering if any of you have put together a for-profit e-commerce site that has had a charity donation option. We are trying to keep it a separate entity from our inventory and the rest of our books.

We are looking for a tool to easily integrate a $1 or custom amount donation into the checkout. We run a single-page AJAX checkout with a php/postgres back-end. Any suggestions would rock. Our first charity will be Cystic Fibrosis but we're looking to add more later.

Also, if there was a better place to post this, I apologize. Doctype didn't seem quite right.

+1  A: 

Check out PayPal Donations.

PayPal Donations is a low cost way for you to accept credit card and bank account donations. Integrate PayPal Donations with your website in a few easy steps.

I'll take a look at this solution. Thanks!
It seems a little counter-intuitive to pay for donations. >.< I think we'll probably end up adding it as a service to our current total on the order and then expense it out later through the accounting.I wish there was some service out there that didn't charge to add funds to an approved charity.
PayPal has reduced fees for 501(c)(3) U.S.-based charities, along with other discount programs for charities in other countries. In the US, you're mostly paying for credit card transaction fees, along with the secure infrastructure PayPal provides.