



I am having some issues with django-haystack template usage. Particularly the highlight tag.

below is the line of code that is having the issue.

<h4><a href='/discuss/{{ }}/{{ thread.title|slugify }}'>{% highlight thread.title with request.GET.q max_length 40 css_class "highlight_title" html_tag "div" %}</a></h4>

I have tried this with and without max_length, and with and without any the div/css variables either but I cannot get the highlight code to show the entire title for my thread. Is there a way to show the entire string of text that i give to the highlight tag?

While Im at it is there a way show the characters/words before AND after the highlighted text instead of just after like it is doing now? If i can do this this will solve my issue for showing the title of the searched thread and any matching posts.