without dumping tones of code here is the symptom
having a threads which all run various methods of the same type of object. within the methods i have a print line which reads:
print self.args, self.foo
everything works just fine.
However, if i turn that line into:
# remain in the same line
print self.args, self.foo,
execution is done in a serialize way and it seems like that print statement blocks other threads from being executed until it finishes.
import threading, time
class Graph2(object):
def __init__(self, instanceName):
self.instanceName = instanceName
def __getattr__(self, name):
def foo():
for i in xrange(10):
#### the tricky line ####
# print i, self.instanceName
print i, self.instanceName,
return foo
class GraphThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, graph, method, *args):
self.g, self.m, self.args = graph, method, args
self.results = None
def run(self):
print 'm=%s, args=%s' % (self.m, self.args)
self.results = getattr(self.g, self.m)(*self.args)
print "...done running method %s, with args %s:"%(self.m,self.args)
methods = ["degree","betweenness","closeness","cocitation","shell_index","evcent","eccentricity","constraint"]
# spawn a new thread for every requesting url
for method in methods:
print "starting thread for method %s..."%method
print "..appending thread..."
print "...thread appendd."