I changed the Ruby snippet and now it works, I had forgotten to add the md5 part int he previous post, sorry. Afterwards I retested the PHP snippet as well, and both outputs are the same now.
Here is what I have so far:
"Inx ".base64_encode('Jon').' '.base64_encode(pack( 'H*' , md5($message."werty")))
md5 = Digest::MD5.digest(msg +"werty")
auth = "Inx " + Base64.b64encode('Jon').strip() + " " + Base64.b64encode(md5).strip()
The output is:
Inx Sm9u FL6ZQ1EAMcVDpUhGQ9kxjg==
Inx Sm9u FL6ZQ1EAMcVDpUhGQ9kxjg==
and this is the message used:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <push><application>Jon</application><service><![CDATA[test-2]]></service><service-provider>Absolute</service-provider><session-id>jbg01</session-id><trigger>bulk link</trigger><sms-text url="http://example.com" url-tag="xxx"><![CDATA[Hello world]]></sms-text><recipient>555555</recipient><from>5555</from></push>
I have changed some of the sensitive info from the xml so it's not quite the same as the string used in the PHP string.