



I'm writing a Compojure TODO app and with MySQL as the primary data store. I'm using clojure.contrib.sql to interface with MySQL as follows:

(def db {:classname "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
         :subprotocol "mysql"
         :subname "//localhost:3306/todo"
         :user "<user>"
         :password ""})

The queries I'm using seem to work, however the results appear to be cached. For example, after running

(with-connection db
  (insert-values :todos
    [:name] [name]))

the value is successfully inserted into the database. However,

(defn sql-query [query]
  (with-connection db
    (with-query-results rows [query]
      (into [] rows))))

returns the same value, regardless of how many items are inserted. Of course, if I restart the web app, the results are updated, but this doesn't seem very production-friendly :).

Any idea why this would be happening? Thanks in advance.

As requested, here is the top-level form for the SELECT query:

(def home-view
    (base {:title "Clojure Todo"
           :content (apply str
             (map #(% :name)
               (sql-query "select * from todos")))})))
+2  A: 

From the most recently added comment on the answer together with the most recent update to the question text I gather that the problem is nothing to do with clojure.contrib.sql, it's with the defroutes form.

(defroutes todo (GET "/" [] home-view)) means that requests matching this route will receive home-view as a reply. Now home-view is evaluated only once, when the (def home-view ...) form is evaluated -- and in particular, the associated SQL query is executed only once.

To fix this, rewrite home-view as a function and have the route call it, perhaps like so:

(defn home-view []
  ...the render form from your old (def home-view ...) form goes here...

(defroutes todo (GET "/" [] (home-view)))

Then home-view-the-function will be called each time the route gets triggered (and execute its SQL query once per each such call).

Michał Marczyk
You nailed it. Thanks for your help!
Dan Loewenherz