
how do i get rid of duplicate clojure test-is unit tests on the REPL

I have a little script (use :reload-all 'com.example.package1 'com.example.package2 'com.example.package3 'com.example.testlib) (run-tests 'com.example.package1 'com.example.package2 'com.example.package3) that I use to quickly reload everything and fire off the unit tests. trouble is that each time (deftest ... ) is evalua...

Clojure XML Parsing

I can not find any info on how to parse xml documents and access elements. I have found two ways to parse the xml document ( (clojure.xml/parse file)) and (parse-seq file) but i can seem to find any info on how to process the resulting structure? Source file's refers to zip-query.clj on how to query the result...

Building a Clojure app with a command-line interface?

I just started w/ Clojure (coming from Ruby) and I would like to build an small app with a command-line interface. How do I handle input/output to a CL? I noticed that there is a clojure.contrib.command-line, but documentation is slim.

If I'm making a mail system that manages large amounts of email would I be better off using james or Javamail

I'm trying to decide whether to use James( or Javamail( to build a email system that takes and processes email. It will send and recieve email along with processing the content, checking for spam etc. What are the advantages/disadvantages of each and which do you recommend I...

How can you "parameterize" Clojure Contrib's test-is?

Both Junit and TestNG provide mechanisms for iterating over a collection of input parameters and running your tests against them. In Junit this is supported via the Parameterized annotation, while TestNG uses @DataProvider. How can you write data-driven tests using the test-is library? I tried using for list comprehension to iterate ove...

Compojure HTML Formatting

I'm relatively new to Clojure and a complete HTML/Compojure virgin. I'm trying to use Compojure to create static pages of HTML using a function similar to this: (defn fake-write-html [dir args] (let [file (str dir *file-separator* *index-file*) my-html (html (doctype :html4) [:html ...

How do I combine results from zip-filter queries on an xml tree in Clojure?

I want to combine the results of three zip-filter queries on an xml tree. The XML I am parsing looks like this: <someroot> <publication> <contributors> <person_name> <surname>Surname A</surname> </person_name> <person_name> <given_name>Given B</given_name> <surname>Surname B</surname> ...

Insertions into Zipper trees on XML files in Clojure

I'm confused as how to idiomatically change a xml tree accessed through clojure.contrib's zip-filter.xml. Should be trying to do this at all, or is there a better way? Say that I have some dummy xml file "itemdb.xml" like this: <itemlist> <item id="1"> <name>John</name> <desc>Works near here.</desc> </item> <item id="2">...

Tips for Html parsing and web driving with clojure?

I want to automate filling in data on a website using clojure. For this I want to query elements of webpages and create http requests. I have been looking at using HttpUnit and So far neither approach feels right. Are there alternative libraries to aid with this task? thanks ...

How to install clojure-contrib on Windows?

I can't seem to find a way to launch the Clojure REPL with the contrib library included. If I understood the documentation correctly then this command should do it: C:\clojure-1.1.0>"%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -cp clojure.jar:clojure -contrib.jar clojure.main Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: clojure...

Compojure + clojure.contrib.sql: SELECT query is being cached. Why?

I'm writing a Compojure TODO app and with MySQL as the primary data store. I'm using clojure.contrib.sql to interface with MySQL as follows: (def db {:classname "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" :subprotocol "mysql" :subname "//localhost:3306/todo" :user "<user>" :password ""}) The queries I'm using seem to w...

Importing clojure functions from jars

I'm playing around with Clojure, and I can't figure out how to import a function from clojure-contrib.jar. Working from this answer, I'm doing the following: Running the REPL like so: java -cp clojure.jar:clojure-contrib.jar clojure.main Then trying to import a function: user=> (use '[ :only (writer rea...

How to convert a sequence to a byte[] in Clojure?

I need to write raw bytes to the file. I do it with: (.write (FileOutputStream "/path") bytes) ...where bytes must be of type byte[]. Please note it cannot be Byte[]. I tried to convert my sequence with both (bytes) and/or (into-array) functions and got frustrated, one example: user=> (bytes (into-array (filter #(not (= % 13)) (to-b...

Use for the identity monad in Clojure

I've been reading an excellent introduction to monads for Clojure programmers. The article illustrates that the Identity monad is functionally equivalent to Clojure's let and that the Sequence/List monad is equivalent to for. When the article gets to monad transformers, it shows an example combining the Maybe and Sequence monads. Ok, s...

Clojure contrib sql makes all numbers a BigDecimal

The clojure.contrib.sql library returns BigDecimals for all numeric fields. What's a good way to have some fields as Integers? Example code below: (sql/with-connection my-db (sql/with-query-results res [sql-str 6722] (into [] res))) In the resulting collection of records all numbers are BigDecimal. Some of these are ...

How to include clj-time and clojure.contrib under clojure 1.2?

Hi, I tried to migrate a project from clojure 1.1 to 1.2 because of the new protocols introduced in 1.2. But when I try to :use I get a warning about 'spit' which already exists in clojure.core. The same problem with clj-time.core and 'extend' which also exists in clojure.core. Can anyone explain what would...

clojure-contrib.jar import error

Command line is "D:\Progra~1\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe -jar D:\Old\Clojure\clojure.jar D:\Old\Clojure\clojure-contrib.jar" Following error appears: clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: clojure-contrib.jar:0: Unable to resolve symbol: PK♥♦ in this context clojure-contrib version is 1.1.0 How to invoke clojure with libraries right? ...