
get text between <tags>in php</tags>

Currently i am using and have looked through this code http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.xml-set-element-handler.php#85970 How do i get the text between tags? i am using php5 and XML Parser ...

Regex to get value within tag

I have a sample set of XML returned back: <rsp stat="ok"> <site> <id>1234</id> <name>testAddress</name> <hostname>anotherName</hostname> ... </site> <site> <id>56789</id> <name>ba</name> <hostname>alphatest</hostname> ... </site> </rsp> I want to extract everything within <name></name> but not ...

a basic javascript class and instance using jquery "$(this)" for XML parser

I am (slowly) writing an XML parser for some "site definition" files that will drive a website. Many of the elements will be parsed in the same manner and I won't necessarily need to keep the values for each. The XML The parser so far My question is actually pretty simple: How can I use jquery manipulators in an class function? How ca...

Objective-C libraries for XML Parsing

Hi all, I would like to know some libraries in objective-C for xml parsing. I think it is a very common need, but I found limited resources for handling this task: Google Code projects: TouchCode (TouchXML) NSXMLParser What is your best solution to work with XML in objective-C language? Please advice. What is the solution that you ...

How do I combine results from zip-filter queries on an xml tree in Clojure?

I want to combine the results of three zip-filter queries on an xml tree. The XML I am parsing looks like this: <someroot> <publication> <contributors> <person_name> <surname>Surname A</surname> </person_name> <person_name> <given_name>Given B</given_name> <surname>Surname B</surname> ...

iPhone XML parsing float data

I'm reading XML data and creating objects, but I need some of my object variables to be floats. And with the - (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)string it obviously becomes a string and my float variables will be set to 0.000000. In the - (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didEndElement:(NSString *)elementN...