
how do i get rid of duplicate clojure test-is unit tests on the REPL

I have a little script (use :reload-all 'com.example.package1 'com.example.package2 'com.example.package3 'com.example.testlib) (run-tests 'com.example.package1 'com.example.package2 'com.example.package3) that I use to quickly reload everything and fire off the unit tests. trouble is that each time (deftest ... ) is evalua...

How can you "parameterize" Clojure Contrib's test-is?

Both Junit and TestNG provide mechanisms for iterating over a collection of input parameters and running your tests against them. In Junit this is supported via the Parameterized annotation, while TestNG uses @DataProvider. How can you write data-driven tests using the test-is library? I tried using for list comprehension to iterate ove...