I'm relatively new to Clojure and a complete HTML/Compojure virgin. I'm trying to use Compojure to create static pages of HTML using a function similar to this:
(defn fake-write-html
[dir args]
(let [file (str dir *file-separator* *index-file*)
my-html (html
(doctype :html4)
[:title "Docs and Dirs:"]]
[:h2 "A nice title"]]
[:li "One"]
[:li "Two"]]]]])]
(clojure.contrib.duck-streams/spit file my-html)))
The function just writes HTML to a file. (The args
argument is irrelevant here. Just there to assure the example compiles and runs in my program.)
"Programming Clojure" indicated that the call to the html
function would produce formatted HTML -- multiple lines with indentation. All I get is the doc type as expected followed by all of the HTML on a single line. HTML Tidy doesn't find any issues with the content of the output file. It comes out as a single line if I println
it at the REPL too.
Is there something else needed to get formatted output?