




I'm not sure if this is an sql question or a combined sql/php question, so if i'm in the wrong question area, I apologize in advance.

I'm use to mssql and not sure how to exactly do this within mysql however... i have a number of tables, all with left joins to create individual sql queries

query 1:

    , b.typeID
    , b.type
    , c.subTypeID AS stid_1
    , c.subType AS st1
    , g.subTypeID AS stid_2
    , g.subtype AS st2
    , h.subTypeID AS stid_3
    , h.subtype AS st3
    , i.itemSizeID
    , i.size
    , d.pricingID AS p1
    , d.price AS price1
    , e.pricingID AS p2
    , f.pricingID AS p3
    pim_items AS a
    LEFT JOIN pim_types AS b
        ON (a.typeID = b.typeID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_subtype AS c
        ON (a.subtypeID = c.subTypeID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_subtype AS h
 ON (a.subtypeID3 = h.subTypeID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_subtype AS g
 ON (a.subtypeID2 = g.subTypeID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_sizes AS i
 ON (a.sizeID = i.itemSizeID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_pricing AS d
        ON (a.price1 = d.pricingID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_pricing AS e
        ON (a.price2 = e.pricingID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_pricing AS f
        ON (a.price3 = f.pricingID);

which returns a result set of:

resultset 1

itemID  typeID  type     stid_1  st1       stid_2  st2       stid_3  st3     itemSizeID  size        p1  price1      p2      p3  active
------  ------  -------  ------  --------  ------  --------  ------  ------  ----------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
     1       1  Service       1  Cut       (NULL)  (NULL)    (NULL)  (NULL)      (NULL)  (NULL)       6   35.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     2       1  Service       2  Blow Dry  (NULL)  (NULL)    (NULL)  (NULL)      (NULL)  (NULL)      40   32.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     3       1  Service  (NULL)  (NULL)         1  Cut       (NULL)  (NULL)           1  short        7   40.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     4       1  Service  (NULL)  (NULL)         1  Cut       (NULL)  (NULL)           2  medium       8   45.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     5       1  Service  (NULL)  (NULL)         1  Cut       (NULL)  (NULL)           3  long        10   55.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     6       1  Service  (NULL)  (NULL)         2  Blow Dry  (NULL)  (NULL)           1  short        9   50.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     7       1  Service  (NULL)  (NULL)         2  Blow Dry  (NULL)  (NULL)           2  medium      10   55.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     8       1  Service  (NULL)  (NULL)         2  Blow Dry  (NULL)  (NULL)           3  long        11   60.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1

i have then created two queries from this one query based upon NULL values for stid_2 which returns the results of

query 2

    , b.typeID
    , b.type
    , c.subTypeID AS stid_1
    , c.subtype AS serviceType
    , d.pricingID AS p1
    , d.price AS price1
    , e.pricingID AS p2
    , f.pricingID AS p3
    pim_items AS a
    LEFT JOIN pim_types AS b
        ON (a.typeID = b.typeID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_subtype AS c
        ON (a.subtypeID = c.subTypeID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_pricing AS d
        ON (a.price1 = d.pricingID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_pricing AS e
        ON (a.price2 = e.pricingID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_pricing AS f
        ON (a.price3 = f.pricingID)

resultset 2

itemID  typeID  type     stid_1  serviceType      p1  price1      p2      p3  active
------  ------  -------  ------  -----------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
     1       1  Service       1  Cut               6   35.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     2       1  Service       2  Blow Dry         40   32.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1

and again - where the field stid_1 is NULL (with a param value for stid_2 = either 1 or 2 respectfully though not indicated within the example in 'query 3')

query 3

    , c.subTypeID AS stid_1
    , c.subtype AS serviceType
    , g.subTypeID AS stid_2
    , g.subtype AS serviceType2
    , h.itemSizeID AS sizeID
    , h.size
    , d.pricingID AS p1
    , d.price AS price1
    , e.pricingID AS p2
    , f.pricingID AS p3
    pim_items AS a
    LEFT JOIN pim_types AS b
        ON (a.typeID = b.typeID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_subtype AS c
        ON (a.subtypeID = c.subTypeID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_subtype AS g
 ON (a.subtypeID2 = g.subTypeID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_sizes AS h
 ON (a.sizeID = h.itemSizeID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_pricing AS d
        ON (a.price1 = d.pricingID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_pricing AS e
        ON (a.price2 = e.pricingID)
    LEFT JOIN pim_pricing AS f
        ON (a.price3 = f.pricingID)
/*and g.subTypeID = '1'*/;

resultset 3

itemID  stid_1  serviceType  stid_2  serviceType2  sizeID  size        p1  price1      p2      p3  active
------  ------  -----------  ------  ------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
     3  (NULL)  (NULL)            1  Cut                1  short        7   40.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     4  (NULL)  (NULL)            1  Cut                2  medium       8   45.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     5  (NULL)  (NULL)            1  Cut                3  long        10   55.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     6  (NULL)  (NULL)            2  Blow Dry           1  short        9   50.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     7  (NULL)  (NULL)            2  Blow Dry           2  medium      10   55.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1
     8  (NULL)  (NULL)            2  Blow Dry           3  long        11   60.00  (NULL)  (NULL)       1

in mssql i can create these queries individually and then drag them into a larger query when dealing with cross-database joins/unions... for the sake of performance, and as I want to layout the grid in the format of

itemID serviceType serviceType2 Size   Price   Active
------ ----------- ------------ ----   -----   ------
1      Cut         (NULL)       (NULL) (NULL)  (NULL)
3      (NULL)      (NULL)       short  40.00   true
4      (NULL)      (NULL)       med    45.00   true
5      (NULL)      (NULL)       long   55.00   true

etc for 'blow dry'

hmmm, maybe this is an xml programming question, not a db question.... :\