




Is it possible to change the profile picture for every tweet via twitter api and it wouldnt change the profile pictures on the previous tweets?

for example: i am going to tweet something good so i would want my profile picture to be something happy.

and then on my next tweet which seems to be something not good, i would like to change the profile picture to something sad.. and it wouldnt affect the profile picture of the previous tweet..

is it possible? thanks in advance!

+1  A: 

You cannot, your picture is tied to your user account, it's not stored with every tweet in any way.

When you change you picture it changes for all tweets, previous and current, this is simply a display thing in the UI and their APIs, not a property on the tweet, but on the user.

Nick Craver
i see.. ok thanks nick!
dionisius colossus
This is where you come in and choose this answer as the best answer....
John Conde