




I have a rails app where I have clusters and users in a belongs_to has_many relationship.

In the cluster_controller create method I write:

@cluster =[:cluster])

now I want to run some commandline script:

output = `echo cluster#{} > /tmp/out` of function here

I also tried

output = `echo cluster#{} > /tmp/out`

When I do this the file has just cluster in it and not cluster#. Why is this and how do I fix it?

+6  A: 

The build method initializes a new ActiveRecord object, but does not persist it to the database; generally, the id attribute is only set once the record has been saved (assuming it's a standard autoincrement primary key). You probably want to use create rather than build.

Greg Campbell
Thanks, heres the issue:The script might fail in which case I don't want to create the cluster. Should I just remove it from the database or is there a better way?
You could do the create in a transaction, then roll the transaction back if the script fails. Another option would be to output some other identifying characteristic rather than id to the log - it really depends on your use case.
Greg Campbell
I just need to submit a unique value for each time I run the script which is run each time I create a cluster. I chose the id because it must be unique. Then if the script fails for whatever reason I should just redirect the user to the home page (or wherever) and let them know their cluster create failed. This of course should make no changes to the database.
Maybe a UUID would be a good way to go - you could use or a similar library to generate them.
Greg Campbell