




Hi, In the Dynamic CRM environment, I have created the custom entity as Countries. there is another by default entity under the Sales is : Opportunity. I create the N to N relationship between both.(Opportunity and countries).

ok. then when I gone to opportunity editing page that is opportunity entity under the edit mode.I added the new field name as Select Country (following map : Settings-> Customizations-> Opportunity -> Forms and Views -> Form-> double click->Add Field) . got the field list. I found my custome field n the ist. I select it. but I found it is of type lookip. where as i want to that should be picklist. How to get picklist filed of my custom entity field? please guide me ....


1:N relationships will always show up in CRM as lookups. N:N relationships will show as a separate grid on the left navigation of an entity. Without custom code, you can't get your lookup to appear as a picklist.

Thanks, even i don't want to see lookup. i just want to get the pick list.any way read my next question please.