Hi Guys,
I have a situation where I need to induce asynchronous behavior in a synchronous application.
To elaborate, there is a monolithic c++ application which synchronously produces pricing for complex derivative products. This c++ app comes with a java wrapper which my app uses to interact with it.
Current Design
My APP <------> Java Wrapper <---> C++ application
Since the calls from the java wrapper to the c++ are synchronous, I want to create a asynchronous behavior by having a cluster of these java wrappers.
I would have a "Master Wrapper" that would decide (either in a round robin fashion or based on some real time info from the cluster) which individual wrapper gets the request.
Future Design
<---> Java Wrapper <---> C++ application
My APP <------> Java Master Wrapper <---> Java Wrapper <---> C++ application
<---> Java Wrapper <---> C++ application
Do any of you guys have experience building something of this sort? Any advises, links to tutorials, bits of code etc would be most helpful.
FYI, I briefly looked at terracotta and it seems like it what I need however it is not an option (not an approved product at my firm).