I'm so tired of this happening. I'm working in Visual studio using C++, and go a little to far in developemnt before attempting a release build/run cycle, only to find my release build crashes. It leaves me no way to fix the problem beyond to hack out big chunks of code looking for all potential violators. Anyway, If I go into my "release" project properties and enable the debug database for "Edit and Continue", and DON'T even enable Debugging in the linker, the Release version runs perfectly.
OK, I do appreciate any input as to what kinds of thing to look for to properly get my Release version to work, but dare I ask this question: "Who Cares"? I understand that if the linker does in fact link with DEBUG versions of runtime and windows libraries, that the program probably won't run on any system that doesn't have VStudio installed. But what about what I'm doing... just letting the compiler DEBUG format set to "Program Database for Edit & Continue (/ZI)". It hardly makes a 1K difference in the sixze of the application, and if it won't stop the EXE from working, maybe I should just leave it set that way? Or am I asking for trouble?